Thursday, November 26, 2009

New Blog!

I'm not even sure, to be honest, if I have any readers or followers here...
but that's fine, as this blog was created as an outlet for my expression as a mother -- and all things mothering, natural parenting, etc.

So, that said...

I'm keeping this blog, but may not update as regularly because:


Yeah.  That was coming.

At this point in my life I am just very focused on the specifics of our home school and how to make the lessons really work for my techie girly (girls).

To keep up with me on a more regular basis, visit my NEW blog:

Thanks for subscribing/reading!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

changing my blog to focus on parenting issues

It's time for a brand new blog revision.

Most of my prior posts (okay, all of them), have been about me, my personal life, my family...and I love to share my family life...

but I want to focus more on issues that affect me regarding children: parenting and mothering, child development issues, kid life, all things baby, natural and alternative parenting methods, homeschooling, stuff like that.

I want to really dig deeper...get more in depth about some core issues on my mind.

I've been freelancing more articles on parenting issues, and it seems only fitting that I should blog these thoughts...
so gear up for a big blog change...

And I hope you enjoy the posts to come!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Disney World, Take 2

Well, I didn’t think we’d get back to Disney World again any time soon, but we did it last week, and just got back in town yesterday.

What a wild and fun trip!

Let’s see…we hit Epcot, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Disney Quest and downtown Disney, and Blizzard Beach. The weather was pretty cold at first, and eventually warmed up to the 70’s which was nice.

I’ve got a ton of Disney pics over at my Facebook — look me up: “Demetria Zinga” and add me as a friend to view them.

I’ll admit…I’ve been pretty lazy about blogging this week…but hey, I’ve been on vacation!

Above, you’ll see a picture of BigGirl enjoying a pose with Princess Aurora.

So..what a surprise. Thanks, hubby, for the awesome trip!

Well I guess it’s back to work now. :-)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to school in '09


Well, it’s back to school in the Zinga home. Back to homeschool, that is.

This morning, BigGirl and I got started right away with school…starting with science. We were studying forest habitats, when I got the idea that it would be fun to do a lapbook…so here I am mapping out the idea on construction paper, getting it started for BigGirl.

000_0042And again…trying to get those lines straight.

BigGirl homeschoolingSo BigGirl finishes it up for me…forest habitats, water habitats, desert habitats, and water habitats…

Fun, Fun.

biggirl on piano for homeschoolNext was a piano lesson…she’s doing so well. We’re using Thompson’s this year. Today we learned about tones- pianissimo, piano, forte, mf…that was fun.

000_0046Afterward we wind down a bit with Charlotte’s Web. We take turns reading to one another…I make her read out loud so I can hear her rhythm. BigGirl is an avid reader- she’s totally into American Girls series and The Boxcar Children. Almost all day long she’s never without a book at hand, finding an empty corner in the living room to curl up and read.

000_0051Later this afternoon we took her to ballet, then came back home to make chocolate chip cookies. YUM! Here is BigGirl helping out with the cooking. She loves to help me bake.

The cookies were a hit. I think we ate them up in less than 3 hours…

000_0053And last, but not least…BabyGirl enjoys spaghetti from her booster seat, taking it all in stride…

That’s all for now!